Iris Theatre is an award-winning theatre company based in London. We gained full charity status in 2009 and provide transformational opportunities for young and emerging artists and audiences alike in a creative environment, welcome to everyone. We focus on encouraging a diverse range of creative voices; as well as increasing the diversity of theatre audiences.

Over the past decade Iris has built a reputation for innovative site-specific theatre with mass appeal. The cornerstone of our year is our summer promenade performances in the grounds and buildings of the Actors’ Church in Covent Garden. That ten-week season generally consists of a Shakespeare play followed by a classic family story, where we produce a fresh and vibrant repertoire of varied work, providing audiences with affordable and accessible theatre. In 2016 our production of Treasure Island was awarded Best Production for Young People (8+) at the Offies, and our summer family show has been nominated for the same award ever since.

The Team

Rob Ellis - Interim Producer

Rob Ellis is a theatre producer and director from North Yorkshire. He is the Executive Director of Relish Theatre, a sustainable new-writing organisation in London.

Board Members

  • Sofi Berenger (Chair)

    Sofi is an award-winning film and theatre producer from Melbourne, Australia. She started working for Iris Theatre in 2016 where she was general manager and producer for London’s Free Open Air Theatre Season at The Scoop. Sofi also works as an independent producer for her companies Wound Up Theatre and Metal Rabbit Productions and has worked in venues such as the Arcola Theatre, Soho Theatre, Park Theatre, St James’ Theatre, Jermyn St and Arts Theatre. Sofi is currently General Manager at Les Enfants Terribles and Les Enfants Petits.

  • Dr Daniel Winder

    Dan is a writer, director and producer, and was Iris There's founding artistic director from 2007-2019. He was raised in Bolton, Lancashire, but has been exiled in London for the past fifteen years. In 2006 he graduated as an actor, before setting up Iris and growing it into the award-winning company it is today.

  • Charles Grant

    Charles was the administrator of the Actors Church, St Paul's Covent Garden between 2005-2019. In over twenty years experience in the acting business Charles has appeared in many theatre, radio, film and TV productions and can still be occasionally found treading the boards; particularly as part of the lecture-recital programme 'Chopin's visit to Britain' with famous pianist Rose Cholmondeley.

  • Rev.Simon Grigg

    The Rev. Simon Grigg has been the Rector at St Paul's Church Covent Garden since 2006. He was ordained in 1990 having worked as a professional actor as a child and directed in later life. He has many years of experience in both the theatre and charitable sectors, having served on many different charitable boards.

  • Kris Milovsorov

    Kris is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Tax Advisor who has focuses on media and entertainment clients. He has worked with various award-winning actors, writers, directors, producers and production companies over the years and now runs his own accounting practice, KMA Spotlight.

  • Mohit Pasricha

    Mohit is a solicitor and Head of Sports and Entertainment at Mackrell. Solicitors, advising and representing clients within the sports and entertainment sector. Mohit also chairs the Partnership Committee at Right To Play UK, an international charity that that empowers vulnerable children to overcome the effects of war, poverty, and disease around the world through sport. Mohit has been a Trustee of Iris Theatre since 2017.

  • Ine Van Riet

    Ine has an MA in Creative Producing from Birkbeck College, University of London. Ine joined Iris Theatre as General Manager after working as Development Officer and Associate Producer for Tara Arts. She also works as a freelance Fundraising Consultant and Producer with a portfolio including two national tours and UK premieres presented at Southwark Playhouse, Theatre503, Tara Arts, Finborough Theatre, Rich Mix and the Tristan Bates Theatre. Ine is now part of the Development Team at the Bush Theatre and is delighted to continue her association with Iris Theatre as a member of the Board of Trustees.


  • Rowan Williams

    Iris Theatre is honoured to have The Right Rev'd & Right Hon. Lord Rowan Williams, (The Former Archbishop of Canterbury) as its patron. Rowan is that truely rare public figure, a man with an absolute sense of personal conviction. The Archbishop has been to numerous of our shows and his personal support is a great asset to the company.

  • Thelma Holt C.B.E

    Thelma Holt C.B.E. is a world famous theatre producer with over thirty years in the business having worked for The Roundhouse, The National Theatre, and R.S.C., as well as independent producing with Thelma Holt Ltd. As an Iris Theatre patron Thelma feels that 'it is a privilege to be supporting a company that is treating the Bard as if he is in the Green Room, waiting to give notes. It shows and I admire it.'

  • Liz Robertson

    Liz Robertson is an English musical theatre actress who has just played Madam Giry in Phantom's 25th Anniversary concert at the Royal Albert Hall.

  • Jemma Redgrave

    Jemma Redgrave is an English actress and part of the fourth generation of the Redgrave family to be in the theatre business.

  • Colin & Wendy Thompson

    Wendy and Colin ran the bar for Iris Theatre Productions for five years. Alongside this initial role they also got involved with the management side and were active members of the Fundraising Committee. Having moved away from London they are no longer day to day members of the team but they are integral members of the Iris Theatre family.